
The following views are my personal opinion.

The ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council) standards need to be followed. A NMMA (National Marine Manufacturing Association) certification would then apply (sticker applied). Some owners have ABYC electricians inspect boats as well.

On custom builds, owners sometimes have their yacht inspected in different stages of completion; hull, wiring, plumbing, and electronics.

Just because it has the NMMA sticker, does not mean there are no infractions!


Deficiencies (ABYC & NMMA)

The following views are my personal opinion.

ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council)
NMMA (National Marine Manufacturers Association)

Fluid Motion LLC Boats (Ranger Tugs & Cutwater Boats) are said to be built to ABYC standards and then certified by NMMA.

Look at the infractions that “Lemon-Aid” 2018 R27 Ranger Tug had in the survey attached. (Click here for full Survey)


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